Social Innovation Management: Alliances for the New Bauhaus

Projects goals

Italian National Agency Erasmus+ Indire has approved our pilot project called “Social Innovation Management: Alliances for the New Bauhaus“, Project Acronym: SIMA, assigning a co-financing of 60.000 euros

 The SIMA project provides 4 transnational events with the aims to promote a transnational alliance for partner organizations’ capacity building and upskilling in terms of social innovation projects’ development. The initiative also has the purpose to introduce the theme of the European New Bauhaus approach as an indispensable element in the social innovation project planning and development, encouraging at the same time the full adoption of them. During the transnational thematic events in Italy, Greece and Belgium (including seminars, study visits, and co-creative workshops) the partners and all the other participants at local level will be able to bridge the skills gap, exchange knowledge and experiences in order to build and upskill further their capacities.


Project duration


Project reference


Intervention areas

Erasmus+ programme, small-scale partnerships in adult education.

Funding Bodies

Italian National Agency Erasmus+ Indire

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Associazione Civitas Solis

Associazione Civitas Solis